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何 pottery

a random life project

In 2015, I started to take wheel pottery classes at Viva Clayworks studio (previously known as Clayworks Studio).


I don't throw pottery often, but when I do, they're almost always bowls. Small ones or sometimes tiny ones. I had hoped despite my infrequent throwing, the repetition of shapes would help me develop some consistency in my work. It's really only been the most recent years where the vision in my head has begun to match the pieces I create.


I enjoy the slow, thoughtful process of making something without being overly attached to the end result. In pottery, there are always surprises during the process, pieces collapsing, cracking, or exploding. There is also nothing more humbling than a bad day on the wheel.


Currently, my pottery is not for sale, but occasionally they will pop up at Viva Clayworks during their seasonal holiday sales.

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